BurkeyAcademy Videos

On this site we have absolutely free, complete courses in Introductory Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Econometrics, Spatial Econometrics, and much, much more!

BurkeyAcademy is a site where we take HARD subjects and explain them in a way that you can understand. I provide worksheets, computer code, and try to use Open Source software wherever possible (e.g. R, QGIS, Maxima). It is linked to a YouTube Channel with 500 videos on Economics, Econometrics, and Computing.  We take requests, but NEVER do your homework for you.

Comment of the Month!

NEWS! I am working on developing an R course, and will be recording videos soon!

My Game Theory Book came out and is doing well, thank you for your support! ! Check out GameTheory.burkeyacademy.com for more information, and a free sample chapter.

Economics from xkcd:

Please take the Poll!  New Question:  What topics do you want me to cover next?  I have to say, Macroeconomics is not my thing, but I do have a few videos on Macro at the bottom of this page. For Macroeconomic Videos, and some stats and labor econ, check out my buddy at the "Snarr Institute". Imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery! (He imitated ME, and I imitated Khanacademy!)

Old Poll:  Regarding accepting Google Ads:   The vote was 12 for, 6 against, and one "it depends on what they are offering".  People gave compelling reasons on both sides!  See my "News and Views" section below for a little more info, and my thinking on the subject.   

Comment on Video Below: In this video I suggest that the largest denomination bill ever printed was Zimbabwe's 100 Trillion.  I was off by a long shot! Below is Hungary's 1946 1 sextillion Pengo note: or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo! There is just a "1 Milliard" on the face, but upon closer inspection says "Milliard B. Pengo", translating to a Billion Trillion in their number naming system. I think there is also a very large Swiss note over 100 Trillion... trying to track it down.

Click on the underlined name of the video to play the video on YouTube.

*FILE* Means that there is an associated file located under "Files" in the left sidebar.  If there isn't a name of the file listed, it will be the same as the video name (or obvious).  If you see me use an Excel file, notes (bullet points or definitions), a data set or Maple file, or anything else that you would find useful that is not available, please let me know

Macroeconomics?(Eww, yuck)

Random Mathematical Musings:

Bloggy Things:

 Here I discuss the concept of "Indexes" in general, and use a regression to figure out the formula used to calculate the United Nations' Human Development Index.

A wonderful "data educator" has died in January, 2017. If you aren't familiar with his work, check it out!

After hearing Ron Paul and Gingrich sell the Gold Standard, here is a primer (in 23 minutes): I give some good data on past hyperinflation from Germany, Yugoslavia, and Zimbabwe.

BurkeyAcademy (TM) is a Trademark of Dr. Mark L. Burkey.  Unauthorized use is, well, unauthorized!